- Vst Plugin Dimension Expander Downloads
- Xfer Dimension Expander Free Download
- Vst Plugin Dimension Expander Download Mac
- Vst Plugin Dimension Expander
Last Updated on December 15, 2020 by
Modulation plugins are great…
They allow you to add completely different flavors to yoursongs as well as depth, and more.
I put together a list of the best free ones which you shouldabsolutely try out!
Let’s get started…
- VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins and Archives. Dimension Expander is a free Stereo spreader plugin developed by Xfer Records. Win 32 VST (0.2 Mb).
- Modern Plugins is a free multi fx and de esser and expander and compressor and eq and exciter and enhancer and reverb and limiter and amp simulator VST plugin developed by Antress. Compatible OS(s): Windows. The Antress Modern Plugins consists of several free VST effect plug-ins for Windows. V4.85 includes: Modern Analoguer. Modern Amplifier.
A fairly unique sounding chorus/spatial expander from the late '80s. It's essentially a four voice chorus with extended delay times and with two out of the voices being out of phase with the other two.
Best free Chorus VST Plugins
Chorus is a very simple form of modulation which consists inmaking a copy of the original signal and varying its pitch up and down.
There are a couple ways of using a chorus;
Blending the dry and wet signals to give depth to the mixand a slightly detuned tone.
By using 100% of the modulated signal instead of mixing itwith the dry one to get a vibrato effect.
You should play around with the amount of blend and see howyou like it.
Here are the best free chorus plugins;
TAL-Chorus-LX – (Win/Mac)
The TAL-Chorus-LX is a fantastic reproduction of the chorusfound on the Roland Juno 60 Synth.
Vst Plugin Dimension Expander Downloads
This is a very small and light plugin which has a supersimple and easy to use interface.
It’s one of those plugins which you can just throw on top ofa mediocre-sounding track and it will immediately sound better.
- Characteristics of the Juno-60 chorus
- 2 different modes
- Dry/Wet control
- Volume knob
- Only stereo channels supported
You can download it here.
If you’re looking for the best free VST plugins in the world, I have a list of 225 of them.
Xfer Dimension Expander – (Win/Mac)
Xfer Dimension Expander is a fairly unique soundingchorus/spatial expander modeled on chorusing effects from the late ’80s.
It’s essentially a four voice chorus with two of the voicesbeing out of phase with each other and then delays them.
It’s an incredibly simple and easy to use plugins and isconsidered one of the best chorus plugins out there.
- Dry / mix level
- Size
You can download it here.
Looking for free Delay VSTs? Here’s a post I wrote about the best ones.
Mercuriall Chorus WS-1 – (Win/Mac)
Mercuriall Chorus WS-1 is a stompbox style chorus VST pluginwhich comes with adjustable modulation speed and depth.
You also get to control the mix level and set the processingto mono or stereo.
This one is again a very simple andstraightforward plugin to use…
- Speed
- Depth
- Mix
- Mono/Stereo
- On/Off knob
You can download it here.
AconDigital Multiply – (Win/Mac)
Acon Digital Multiply is a pretty versatile chorus effectwhich processes each voice with a phase randomizing filter to avoid unpleasantcomb filtering effects.
The effect can be used to simulate the effect of severalperformers playing the same tones simultaneously, to widen the spatial image orto create special effects for sound design.
This plugin can simulate up to 6 additional voices and boththe pitch and the loudness of the voices can be modulated.
It comes with an integrated EQ which provides; Low-Cut,Low-Shelf, High-Shelf and High-Cut filters.
An integrated pre-delay section makes it possible to createmodulated and diffuse echo effects.
You can download it here.
Blue Cat’s Chorus – (Win/Mac)
Blue Cat’s Chorus is a very capable free chorus plugin.
It can go from a light shimmering modulation to anincredibly destructive one.
It was originally designed to simulate several voices butwith a variable delay between them.
But this plug-in also enables you to drastically change theoriginal sound and create deep pitch modulation or crazy ‘bubbling’ effects.
You can download it here.
Related: I wrote an entire post on the best Free Synth plugins which you should absolutely check out!
Moving on…
Best free Phaser VST Plugins
A phaser gives you the feeling as if the sound that’s beingaffected is moving away and then coming back in.
It creates a soft moving sound…
The effect manipulates the phase of the signal. It splitsthe signal and sends it through a series of all-pass filters that alter thephase.
Let’s get to the plugins…
Phase90 by Antti – (Windows)
Phase90 is an awesome freeware phaser VST plugin which is anemulation based on the MXR Phase 90 guitar pedal.
It’s super easy to use since it doesn’t have manyparameters.
If you need a simple yet great sounding phaser, this is theone.
Sadly, it’s Windows only and 32-bit, you will need to usethe Jbridge tool for 64-bit compatibility.
You can download it here.
Looking for free Drum VST plugins? Here are the best ones.
SupaPhaser – (Win/Mac)
SupaPhaser, when compared to the previous one on this list,is more for advanced users since it has a lot more controls.
However, this is exactly why it’s an excellent plugin, sinceit’s pretty versatile and sounds absolutely phenomenal.
It also works both on Windows and Mac (32-bit and 64-bit).
- 3 to 23 (yes, 23) stages phaser with feedback.
- phaser operation is controlled by a mixture ofLFO and envelope follower, both configurable.
- enhanced stereo effect.
- pre-phaser distort or saturate.
You can download it here.
Classic Phaser – (Windows)
This plugin is part of the Audio Classic Series by Kjaerhuswhich includes almost ten free plugins.
I would definitely recommend that you try this one out, andall the other plugins in the bundle as well…
The whole bundle is only 3.2mb and all of the plugins goextremely easy on your CPU, which is always good.
You can download it here.
Looking for free Distortion VSTs? Here’s a post I wrote about the best ones.
Blue Cat’s Phaser – (Win/Mac)
Blue Cat’s Phaser is modeled after the vintage analog phasercircuits but with the precision on modern technology and digital processing.
You can apply up to 32 phasing stages or create a subtlephasing effect with wet and feedback parameters.
You can also control the phase of the signal in the wet andfeedback paths.
- Multi-stage analog-style phaser effect.
- Up to 32 phasing stages.
- Stereo spread control.
- Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
- In or out of phase feedforward and feedbackpaths.
You can download it here.
Looking for free EQ VST plugins? Here are the best ones.
UltraPhazer – (Win/Mac)
UltraPhazer sounds especially great on guitar tracks and itcan also create a very subtle phaser effect.
Additionally, it can be used as a stereo enhancer and autopanner.
This plugin is mostly geared towards advanced users since it’sgot a lot of parameters and controls.
It works both on Windows and Mac.
You can download it here.
Moving on…
Best free Flanger VST Plugins
Flangers have a very recognizable sound and are extremelyversatile.
They are usually used to create a sweeping “jet-plane” kindof sound.
You have probably heard this effect multiple times,especially if you’ve ever listened to Rage Against the Machine…
They work by delaying the sound very slightly and thenaltering this delay over time.
This causes harmonics to cancel which creates this type of sound.
Related: I also have an entire post about the best Free Orchestral VST Plugins.
Blue Cat’s Flanger – (Win/Mac)
Very famous during the 70’s and 80’s, the Flanger effect canbe used on almost any audio track: on drums, voices synths or guitars, from asubtle effect to a deep alien-like voice effect.
This plugin has a fairly simple user interface and is prettyeasy to use, but it’s very versatile and sounds great!
The stereo version allows you to transform it into a stereoflanging effect with just one knob.
It works on Windows and Mac and is also available in a lotof formats!
- Vintage flanger effect.
- Stereo spread control.
- Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
- In or out of phase feedforward and feedbackpaths.
You can download it here.
Classic Flanger – (Windows)
This is a great flanging plugin which allows you to boostthe flanging effect to maximum without getting unwanted effects.
This plugin is part of the Audio Classic Series by Kjaerhuswhich includes almost ten free plugins.
I would definitely recommend that you try this one out, andall the other plugins in the bundle as well…
The whole bundle is only 3.2mb and all of the plugins goextremely easy on your CPU, which is always good.
- Smooth Flanger effects Stereo spread
- Ultra low CPU usage
- Supports sampling rates up to 96kHz
- Full VST automation
You can download it here.
MFlanger – (Win/Mac)
MFlanger is a versatile flanger a variable oscillatorshape for greater flexibility, and integrated tube saturation.
This adds up to a responsive plugin with an analog sound.
It sounds damn impressive, so check it out.
- Unique visualization engine with classic metersand time graphs
- M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surroundprocessing…
- Adjustable oscillator shape technology
You can download it here.
TAL-Flanger – (Win/Mac)
TAL-Flanger is a very simple and easy to use flanger pluginwhich has a pretty unique sound to it and some asymmetric analog likecomponents in the feedback corner.
Useful for a wide range of flanger effects from subtle toextreme.
It works both on Windows and Mac, 32-bit and 64-bit.
You can download it here.
FlangerHand – (Windows)
FlangerHand is based on the early flanging effects of the ‘60s.
It is an incredibly light-weight plugins that’s also easy touse.
However, it’s Windows only, so keep that in mind!
You can download it here.
Moving on…
Best free Tremolo VST Plugins
A Tremolo is an amplitude modulation effect.
Basically, what it does is it varies the volume of thesignal.
It’s the easiest of all the modulation effects to understandsince it’s pretty straight forward and very noticeable;
It increases and decreases the volume of the signal and thespeed at which it does this can be configured by you…
A slower tremolo effect consists of a softer and roundedsine wave shape and it creates a sort of “gentle bopping” effect.
While on the other hand, a steeper curve will create a muchfaster effect.
It’s an effect that you probably heard quite a lot,especially if you’ve ever listened to the older country and surf music like TheEverly Brothers and some others.
One of the most famous songs ever to use this effect is “The Midnight Special” byCreedence Clearwater Revival (Link to YouTube where you can listen to theeffect).
So, let’s list them up!
Pencheneg Tremolo – (Win/Mac)
The Penchneg VST Plugin is a tremolo effect, which allowsyou to adjust the shape of the modulating curve and synchronize the frequencywith a host…
This can also be set manually.
The Shape, Phase and Symm knobs set the wave form of themodulation, with the amount of modulation set by the Depth knob.
It’s a great sounding tremolo which is also very intuitiveand easy to use…
I would absolutely recommend this one, plus it works both onWindows and Mac.
You can download it here.
Interested in free reverb VST plugins? Here’s a post about the 15 best ones.
HY-TP2 – (Win/Mac)
This is a free Tremolo and auto-pan effect which comes inVST and Au plugin formats for 32-bit and 64-bit DAWs PC and Mac.
This one is basically the updated version of HY-Plugins’ oldtremolo effect which now features a better user interface, which is resizable,and a slightly modified feature set.
It also comes with two additional LFO shapes while removingthe envelope follower and soft clipper functionalities.
- 8 modulation waveforms
• tremolo/panner mode
• re-sizable plugin window
• preset manager
You can download it here.
Adam Monroe’s Tremolo – (Win/Mac)
This tremolo plugin provides both the amplitude tremolo andstereo panning since the idea behind it was to create a vertical and horizontaloscillator that could easily be tweaked.
It’s very simple to use, the interface is super clear andintuitive.
Sample rates can be easily adjusted. This has the addedeffect of either slowing down or speeding up the tremolo, depending on yourchosen sample rate.
The values for depth and speed of tremolo and panning effectare quite large. With the depth values set at maximum, the plugin utilizesfull-spectrum sine wave oscillation for tremolo/amplitude modulation and fullstereo panning for the “panner.”
This one also works both on Windows and Mac 32/64-bit.
- Dry/Wet Mix
- Easy Sample Rate Selection
- Stereo Panner
- Amplitude Tremolo
You can download it here.
Aegean Music Doppler Dome – (Win/Mac)
Doppler Dome is a free audio plug-in based on the Dopplereffect.
Simply put, a doppler effect happens to sound when thelistener and the sound source are getting closer together or farther apart.
E.g. when you hear the siren of an ambulance driving by; Thepitch clearly changes when it passes by you.
This is why the plugin is called doppler…
But it also works as a regular tremolo effect, as well as apan effect, plus it ca be used as a doppler… should you choose to do it.
You can download it here.

MTremolo – (Win/Mac)
MTremolo provides a definitive tremolo sound withan adjustable shape, including editable waveforms and harmonics.
The plugin can synchronize automatically to your host and iscapable of handling up to eight channels of surround audio.
It’s got a pretty advanced user interface which allows youto see exactly how the waveforms are being affected.
- Unique visualization engine with classic metersand time graphs
- Automatic Gain Compensation
- Safety Limiter
- Synchronization to host tempo
You can download it here.
Best Free Ring Modulation VST Plugins
Ring modulation is very similar to tremolo, not in the wayit sounds but rather on how the effect is produced.
A ring modulator multiplies two signals together to createtwo brand-new frequencies which are the sum and difference of the inputfrequencies.
The technical aspect of it can be quite complicated andconfusing, but the sounds you get are very sci-fi and robotic.
Xfer Dimension Expander Free Download
The best example of this is “Dalek” from Doctor Who yelling“Exterminate!”
Here are four free ones;
MRing Modulator – (Win/Mac)
MRingModulator performs standard ring-modulation effectsusing one or two oscillators.
With a clean interface that gives easy access to moreadvanced controls like an adjustable phase difference and shape features.
It also includes editable custom waveforms and harmonics andit’s fully automatable.
Lastly, it allows for global preset management; Save thesettings and then simply use them on another song.
- Adjustable Oscillator shape
- M/S, Single channel, up to 8 channels surroundprocessing
- Automatic Gain compensation
- Global preset management
You can download it here.
Ring Thing – (Windows)
This plugin is a multi-flavored ring modulator, with afrequency and mix level.
These levels are controlled by an XY pad and each of thoseaxis can be modulated by its own tempo-sync LFO.
The interface looks a bit different than most of the pluginson this list, however it’s quite easy to understand and use.
- 9 flavors of ring modulation, each with adifferent tonal quality.
- 11 ring modulation waveforms.
- XY pad controls modulation frequency and wet/drymix level.
- Each axis can be modulated by its own tempo-syncLFO with depth control.
You can download it here.
Ringer – (Windows)
Ringer by WOK is an extremely simple ring-modulator…
The controls are minimal, but it still does what you need itto do.
I’d recommend this one for an absolute beginner to first getfamiliarized with ring modulation.
Sadly, Ringer is Windows only.
Vst Plugin Dimension Expander Download Mac
You can download it here.
Vst Plugin Dimension Expander
Ring-O – (Windows)
Ring-O by WOK is another great yet fairly simple free ringmodulation plugin.
The modulation source can be the left and right side of astereo signal modulating each other, or a stereo signal modulated by RING-O’sinternal oscillator.
The internal oscillator has different wave forms and thepitch can be adjusted manually.
If you’re looking for a dirtier sound, then Ring-O has gotyou covered since it features a diode ring mod style setting.
Sadly, just like the previous one, Ring-O is Windows only.
You can download it here.
ADC-Ring – (Mac)
The ADC-Ring VST plugin is a simple and handy tool, if youneed some ring modulation effect for your audio tracks or just for beingcreative.
- Available Waveform – Sine, Triangle, Square, Saw
- Frequency : 0.1 ~ 10k Hz
- Dry / Wet
- Volume : -12 ~ 12 dB
- In/Out : 2 In, 2 Out
You can download it here.
If there’s one word to describe modulation plugins, it’sfun!
They are super fun to use and they can create some amazingeffects and give the mix a completely different vibe…
So, try them out and see how you like them!
Have a wonderful day!